
What are the Best Make-Ahead Suhoor Dishes?

Suhoor Dishes Ramadan

During Ramadan, we are limited to two main meals a day; one at sundown to break our fast, and the other before sunrise, to sustain us throughout the day.

Given that the latter is meant to carry us through to iftar, a piece of fruit and a glass of water is not going to cut it! Having said that however, most of us can’t be bothered to wake up in the middle of the night and prepare something from scratch.

Once again, the trick to a stress-free suhoor is to plan ahead; make something that can be eaten straight out of the fridge or kept in a heat proof Tupperware or container which can then be easily microwaved.

Read on for a list of easy and energy fuelling meals to prepare in advance to get you through the month:


  • Baked Sweet Potato with Toppings: These can be made days in advance refrigerated in an airtight container. Simply stick in the microwave when ready to eat, top with a dollop of yogurt, some roughly chopped nuts, a drizzle of honey or maple syrup and enjoy!

  • Quinoa Salad; or any hearty/grainy salad for that matter; all of which can be prepared days in advance, and eaten straight out of the fridge – no re-heating required!

  • Overnight Oats; yes, another easy and delicious meal that can be prepared before bed and is ready to eat just in time!

  • Peanut butter sandwiches; topped with sliced bananas, sliced avocadoes or any berries of choice to give it the added nutrients your body will most likely be craving and you are good to go. Option to also add a drizzle of honey or maple syrup before eating; an added step, but easy enough!

  • Leftovers! This is hands down, my personal favourite! We all know that Ramadan is a decadent month, so why even bother going through the hassle of making a whole new meal before bed? Simply store any leftovers from iftar in the fridge and have them again for suhoor. To make things even easier, store them in individual serving size containers that you can pop straight into the microwave. If you prefer your leftovers cold (as I sometimes do), then skip the re-heating process and simply enjoy!

Any Ramadan Suhoor tips you’d like to share? Please do so in the comments.



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